Actors Guestbook Screen Savers Pictures


Callan plays the character of Drazic in Heartbreak High. He's the most popular actor of HBH.


Full name: Callan Francis Mulvey

Where were you born: New Zealand
starsign: Pisces
what did you want to grow up to be: Everything from a chef to a fireman
favourite food: Salads
favourite sport: Pretty much all sports
who is your all time idol: The Human Soul
what was your first paying job: McDonald's
how do you want to be remembered: As someone who lives up to their full potential
what high school did you go to: Balgowlah Boys High School
what drama school did you go to: I didn't, but now at Heartbreak with Nico Lathouris
favourite pastime: Summer afternoons
pet likes: mixing records, skateboarding and rollerblading
pet dislikes: Anything that's not real


*Courtsey of ABC